As far as I am concerned AC/DC ended when Bon Scott died in 1980 his radical screeching vocals and witty lyrics created a instant fan the first time I put the needle to vinyl, it also pissed off my parents like no other band could. From there I collected every recording I could find including some Australian Imports. I was deeply saddened by the news of Bon's death by alcohol poisoning but almost seemed fitting to the life he lived. Even though Back in Black was a kick ass album the Brian Johnson replacement would never do justice to the legacy left behind. So here is part one of Bon Scott era AC/DC mix LONG LIVE BON SCOTT!
I am a Radio Producer at Freak Radio Santa Cruz 101fm I produce a weekly radio program called Operation Ear Infection and the Classic Metal Skidmixes is a half hour segment which I feature a classic metal artist every Tuesday 11:30-12noon and here I will post a high quality mp3 of the segment.
Enjoy and ROCK ON!